Readers sound off on Manhattan parking, grace in politics and renewing the cease-fire

Give some help to Manhattan’s locals who drive
Stamford, Conn.: The city’s congestion pricing program is now a fait accompli (“Congestion pricing countdown,” editorial, Dec. 4). But the effectiveness of congestion pricing can not be fully realized unless it is accompanied by a thoughtful residential street parking program that prevents commuters from gaming the system.
Congestion pricing will create a strong incentive for visitors to look for free street parking in residential areas just north of the congestion pricing zone. Commuters will avoid the toll and then hop onto mass transit to get to their Midtown destinations. The city will lose the intended congestion pricing revenue and residents will be squeezed even further by limited street parking.
The number of alternate-side parking spaces is shrinking. With endless construction zones, Citi Bike installations and increasing parking restrictions, it is becoming nearly impossible for Manhattan residents to affordably keep a car. When implemented, congestion pricing will create additional competition for the few alternate-side parking spaces that are left.
A residential parking permit program will dovetail nicely with congestion pricing. Major cities such as Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles have implemented parking programs successfully. It is sound urban policy to give parking preference to those who work, live and play in the city. They are the city’s backbone, more deserving of convenient street parking than out-of-town commuters who should be relying on mass transit.
Congestion pricing is a great start, but the city should finish the job by implementing an intelligent residential parking pass program. It is long overdue. Peter Janoff
Poor selection
Tivoli, N.Y.: Are the Yankees insane in acquiring Juan Soto!? Did they not learn anything from signing Giancarlo Stanton? Soto will be a disaster playing in New York. He is nothing more than another Manny Machado. He is a selfish player who is only playing for himself. While in San Diego he had one good half-season. The rest of his time there has been crap. The Yankees will spend a huge fortune and get nothing for it. What they need, and have needed for the last few years, is pitching. That is the position they need to upgrade. We need George Steinbrenner back in a big way. Marc Savino
Customer dissatisfaction
Midland Park, N.J.: To Voicer Paul Janeski: The unfortunate thing about your letter is the fact that I don’t think the paper cares. I’m in agreement with you, except for the part about the Post. Anthony Merlino
Peaceful transfer
Itasca, Ill.: George W. Bush might not be your favorite American president, but on election night 2008, he offered the kind of message that might be extinct today. He congratulated Barack Obama and Joe Biden on their impressive victory before praising John McCain and Sarah Palin for their determined effort. Then he delivered a master class in political discourse. “Many of our citizens,” Bush said, “thought they would never live to see that day. This moment is especially uplifting for a generation of Americans who witnessed the struggle for civil rights with their own eyes, and four decades later, see a dream fulfilled.” Bush’s remarks that night remind us that it’s fine, even proper, for Republicans and Democrats to commend each other occasionally. The Bush family became fast friends with the Obamas and Bill and Hillary Clinton after spirited past political differences. They found commonality and friendship anyway. Why can’t the rest of us do that? Jim Newton
Gay fixation
Beverly Hills, Calif.: I am tired of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson repeating himself about gay people. Our taxes are paying him to work, not to constantly talk about anyone else’s lifestyle. Plus, he uses God way too much when he talks about this subject matter. It is none of Mike’s business! He is such a drama queen, and now I’m wondering: 2, 4, 6, 8 — is Mike Johnson really straight? Margo Kent
Brutish means
Staten Island: To Voicer Ron Goldman: Bramhall uses satire to convey his political beliefs. Donald Trump, on the other hand, uses childlike vindictiveness to smear everyone who dares to differ with him. He has said he will use the presidency to prosecute and punish his critics. Do we really want such a childish person leading our nation? Eileen Zanelli
Model border security
Holliswood: Our government leaders need to do a fact-finding mission to Egypt. With a war raging in Gaza, it seems that no refugees can cross the border into Egypt. Apparently, they must have a massive wall or the finest border patrol agents in the world. Let’s find out how they secure their border and apply those same techniques to our southern border with Mexico. It’s elementary. Gregory W. Chupa
Not a new tactic
Brooklyn: Accusations of Hamas’ rapes against Israeli women, if true, are obviously not good. However, such allegations need to be put in the proper perspective. For years, Israeli interrogators have routinely used sexual violence against Arab women. Not only that, but Israelis have supplemented such behavior with cigarette burns, batteries and other torture. Therefore, as one senator has stated, context is everything. The asymmetry and extreme bias of media attention on this matter is truly mind-boggling and is yet another example of how Israel is always given a free pass and a special deal. I’m really not into granting that repugnant regime any more special treatment. It’s sad to know that that so-called country benefits from my tax dollars. I’m also sick of the passive-aggressive stance of bully-boy billionaire donors to American universities who conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. I’m glad that this tiresome rhetorical tool is getting very stale. Yawn. Nick Smith
Bad messaging
Staten Island: Last Saturday, I saw another march in Bay Ridge by folks doing one of the most American things in existence, telling us what they want. Sitting in traffic for 10 minutes was no big deal and in general, the organizers have been doing a good job of keeping people moving. But as they passed 73rd St. and Fifth Ave., the man on the loudspeaker (when I was a union guy, if we didn’t have a sound permit, we got arrested) was loudly chanting “intifada” with the crowd following his lead. I think that’s the first time I’ve heard that in these otherwise peaceful marches, and I hope it’s the last. That’s a blatant call for terrorism, along with his follow-up chant calling the U.S. terrorists. That’s surely not the way to get this American on your side and it needs to stop. Keep calling for intifada and you lose me and I think most Americans. Tom McGuire
The killing must stop
Manhattan: After barely a week of a ceasefire that saw hostages released and desperately needed humanitarian aid flow into Gaza, war and violence have returned unabated. Rockets and bombs again fill the air. Aid will no doubt slow to a trickle. And hostages will remain exactly where they are. It need not be this way. There was positive momentum building toward a permanent cease-fire, something everyone must agree is urgently needed. The ceasefire negotiations, aid deliveries and release of hostages show the power of dialogue. Weapons did not bring that about. If Israel and the Palestinians want peace — real, lasting peace — they need to talk to one another, not shoot at each other. There is no military solution to this crisis. It’s critical to publicly call for a ceasefire to bring an end to the violence. Only once the shooting stops for good can we address the root causes of the conflict. Raihan El-Naas
Mass murder
Manhattan: We demand that as a free press, you tell the truth that what is happening in Gaza is genocide by Israel, not self-defense. Fahadleb Al Fahad
Deaths won’t cure this
Manhattan: There is no military solution, only a political one. Please keep that in mind. We want peace, not more war. Ceasefire now. We can’t justify one genocide with another one. That makes no sense. Karen Carlisle